Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

Imaginations Vol.4 (English Version)

Mark has died.
What should I do without it?
I know one thing ... I've got revenge on the speak of the lives of ...
[a.m. March 25, 2017]
The funeral of mark I had to bury his body decaying before, before she left a message for me: "Please keep my family and are living in them well there's also family secrets in the basement of my house, in the fireplace there is a symbol of my family take just a little and the rest given to my father ... He is ... has … ri ... right to ... spilt it ... "I remember continued what he order it for me and also give revenge to the speak of lives.
[12.00 25 March 2017]
Bad Luck! Our trail traced again we were hiding in the city's old library and I ordered Robert to hiding in the White House, which is the maximum distance of 5 m which is a sister to find out the situation. I would have attacked him as right time, was unable to talk right now. ... ...
[19: 00 March 25, 2017]
All beds except me I managed to speak with the lives of Hooray! Finally I can get a little quiet with this state of affairs. It was a stressful time I attacked him with murderous spell, as I waited for the right moment I found a book of spells I thought I could attack with the spell of the attacker but not I find the bookmarks that limit the page "how to kill the life that speak of lives" I read it and go directly to master it quickly. Without a doubt I speak of the lives of the attacked him until he was thrown and hit one of the cornerstones of the library, I attacked him again this time he dodged me look it up by looking around it turns out he was behind me I also no less nimble I dodged and catapult an attack and that's about it and guess a right! He transforms into the black blood. So he's the cause of the houses become liquid and fallen, fortunately I've been killing who was responsible for this incident.
[00.01 26 March 2017]
I heard something strange I should review it without creating big brother and Robert wakes up from his sleep and I will leave a note still on ... ... ....
we must move! I found two that speak of the life is sucking up the Ravens and owls, I'll wake up brother. Already up here only I must move
what should I do?
What I call the other?

The important need to move! 

Imaginations Vol.3 (English Version)

who should be chosen?
 Whether it be my friend?
 I do not want to see my friend die ...
[14.00 March 23, 2017]
 I'm forced to make records again a hot day I start longing for the other also feels so aahh it is planned nature I just realized. Nature's plan for all of us die of thirst with water that runs out as well with this hot weather. So this is the choice of the teenagers there are I and the mark and that of the adults there are my older brother Robert, and I have no other choice I have to bring my sister as a detection problem around us also to know the attacks from the speak of the lives. We will soon depart just waiting for a steady preparation then we could in action I will take this note to the member's proof of what happens when we leave our stopover place all I will record all without slightest lies seasoning I like to be honest before I die.
 [17: 00 March 23, 2017]
 Well I started it again OK currently we all no what no something adrenaline occur only tensions okay, we walked from the place of sojourn I was getting scared because I just bring a hammer, axe, brother mark took me just bring a bag containing our supplies, Robert carry gun that we found in the basement of the building natural disasters that are already sufficient for us to protect ourselves and each other. Well all was asleep except me and Robert, here very quiet, silent, and no anything except the sound of crows and owls who are looking for a meal. I will end now because I have to keep my focus, my brother also.
 [05.30 March 24, 2017]
 We must move quickly and I've seen a dead body that recently came out of the mouth of the predator I found it when I heard someone shouting "help!" I was shocked and I check it out alone at 05.00 I fear, I ran into our camp to wake up all of the dash because I know that the that speak of lives have new powers which smell humans, fortunately many birds. Birds that mess up the smell of the speak of the lives I thank nature so she prey on other people but what is nature's plan currently still let we play the game? I'm still confused with it.
 [08.00 a.m. March 24, 2017]
 I was running to avoid the odor wafted our lives speak of big brother knowing that there is something that comes with power, it's no time to speak!.
 [15: 00 24 of March 2017]
 It is not good to speak now but I have a good and depressing news. That is encouraging is we got away from the pursuit that speak of lives but we lost MARK!!!.
What to do without it?
I know one thing ...

I've got revenge on the speak of the lives. 

Imaginations Vol.2 (English Version)


It’s just not real...
But it’s just happen...
What should I do?...
[22nd March 2017]
A week after that thing happen you know what I mean right? I’m still don’t believe that thing happen to me. Only a few people survive, I think only 9 people who is survive include me and my sister. All of us stay in one of building in town, we try to avoid the ground which is sinking and we make to the town, in the town many building still survive and most of it doesn’t. I still asking to myself who did this god? Grim reapper? Evil professor?. That’s enough, I ending this diary. Since the accident happen, I’m make a diary for prove that we actually survive the accident. My sister clap my back, I know what the clap mean it’s “keep be patient”. Days keep coming also the earthquake be strong everyday we know it because we look at the earthquake device. It’s surprise me the last earthquake is 13,17 scale richer. I don’t believe how this building survive trough the earthquakes everyday, it must be conneted between the building with the accident. I’m very courious.
[23rd March 2017]
Now I’m very happy, because since yesterday there’s no earthquake and it same with this day...strange mw feeling tell me the mother nature is rechargering her power and will attack us with more powerful attack than before. I’ve decided I must get out and do something to stop the mother nature do whatever she do, but it’s very heavy to leave my sister in here with my friends and my neighbor. I must get a plan quickly, but how?... ahh I’m just a dreamer to make a plan. I’m realistis (make a move with reality) not optimis (make a move with a plan no matter what happen) I will end my diary for today. Today the weather is good not as usually, the dark cloud covered the sky even thought the rain never came out. I think this is the end of the accident but not, someone call me it’s mark. He says we running out of water and there’s only two ways, first way is digging the groung for looking some water which risking the whole building sinking into the center of the earth. And the second way is go out and go to water supplier which is risking the building knowen by the grimm reapper and the people who is out the life are taken by th grimm reapper. If we go out is better even we lost people but it doesn’t effect to the building and the people who stayed in that building. Now I must gather at least 3 people including me. My sister must stayed, the old people too because the can slow our movement.
Whom I must choose?
Is that my friends?
I don’t want see my friends dead...

To Be Continue...

Imaginations Vol.1 (English Version)


I don’t know what happen that time...
Everything looks so real....
What is real makes not real....
Its good early...
[this morning]
05.00 oclock in my digital clock where is beside my bed. I don’t reliaze I wake up early today even my clock don’t have to wake me up again. I go to kitchen in downstairs for have breakfast and guest it! There’s no people in here so I have my my breakfast by myself because my stomach is asking for his right. I make a toast which there’s strawberry jam on it, after have breakfast I go to family room for watch tv. In that time I know something strange the tv has start to make a noisy I’m starting to guessing who is watching tv in this morning?. I want to surprise who is watching tv, and I’m surprise myself that’s my sister, she given a power to watch around even who is behind her and what’s behind the walls with 5m distance not that all she given read people mind, maybe she read my mind for suprising who is watching tv hmpft hate her!. Without asking when my sister woke up I invite her to wake up our parents although I’m 14 years old sometimes I childish, my sister says no I know my sister is 17 but what’s wrong with that?, invite my sister childish?. I think that’s a good move, I run to my parent’s room, I think I see a person who is familiar to me who is wearing black dress with hoodie on his head but who is he?. When he reliaze my present he takes out his weapon I know it! It’s grim reaper’s weapon!. Maybe...maybe he’s in here for taking my parents life?, without thinking I attack the grim reaper. I think it’s gonna hurt him but no, he dodge it like a ninja, then he attacks me with his sickle I think that’s my death but it miss it just hurt my arm. He looks my for a secs the he leaves me in front of my parents room, I see he enters my parents room, I hear a scream. House which is I live in its going down not because earthquake but there’s bloods come out my the walls around the house, I see it for a secs its turning into black now its like black muds. I directly down and hold her hand to run out of house. I look around the neighbour’s house they feel what our accident too. I reliaze the ground around is shaking and I look my sister and we know what will happen that’s earthquake, ground starts to shaking there’s no earthquake which the power like this, the my neighbour’s house is down to earth just like nature eat my neighbour’s house and it happen to the streets in front of my house. I don’t believe this day would coming and happen to me.
It’s just not real...
But it’s just happen...
What should I do?...

To Be Continued...

Senin, 18 Mei 2015

Imaginations Special #2


Apakah aku masih hidup?
Aku mulai melihat cahaya...
[Waktu tak di ketahui]
Aku berada di sebuah gubuk kecil sepertinya hanya ini bangunan yang bertahan akan gempa kemarin sore aku bisa mendengar orang sedang berbicara di luar gubuk ini sepertinya suara perempuan. Perempuan...perempuan... KAKAK!. Kakak dimana aku tidak melihatnya bersamaku padahal kemarin dia masih bersamaku di saat gempa aku melindunginya, ada sesuatu yang menimpa kami lalu yang aku lihat adalah kegelapan lalu aku melihat cahaya dan seseorang. Aku memutuskan untuk melihat siapa yang menolong aku dan dimana kakak ku. Aku sudah berjalan keluar... tak bisa bicara sekarang.
[Waktu tak di ketahui]
Aku hanya salah paham saat aku mengira yang berbicara diluar tadi itu adalah musuh itu hanyalah para survivor. Sekelompok orang yang bertahan dari bencana ini dan satu-satunya komunitas yang tau akan  peta tentang dunia dan kota-kota besar di sekitar sini. Ada banyak orang yang bergabung dengan komunitas ini dan aku ingin menjadi bagian dari komunitas itu sekaligus meminta tolong menyerang para pencabut nyawa yang menjaga PAM. Ketua mereka orey mengatakan aku tidak apa-apa tapi dia masih berpikir menyetujui penyerangan itu atau tidak jika dia menyerang mungkin banyak orang yang diselamatkan dan bisa dilatih untuk membunuh pencabut nyawa tapi itu juga akan mengurangi pasukannya, dia akan memberi jawaban besok pagi. Kakak ku mengalami luka yang parah yang mana dia harus masuk rumah sakit darurat para survivor.
[Malam {Waktu tak diketahui}]
Aku memberikan sebuah buku yang aku temukan di perpustakaan kota yang berisi cara mengalahkan pencabut nyawa tapi orey menolak dia bilang “simpanlah buku ini gunakan dan sebarkan pada teman-teman mu bukan pada pasukanku karena kami sudah mengalahkan banyak pencabut nyawa dengan otot kami sendiri bukan dengan mantra”.
[ Pagi {Waktu tak diketahui} ]
Akhirnya aku bisa menulis catatan ini mungkin untuk terakhirnya aku masih menunggu jawaban dari orey tapi bukan malah memberikan tapi dia menaiki sebuah podium, dia berceramah memberikan semangat karena dia akan melakukan sebuah invasi besar-besaran dalam sejarah survivor. Aku senang sekali aku langsung menyiapkan diri dan akan waspada karena kakakku masih sakit, lagi pula Robert masih belum ditemukan apakah dia mati? Ataukah dia masih hidup dan bertahan pada suatu runtuhan, apa mungkin dia menjadi salah satu dari pencabut nyawa.

Bagaimanakah nasib Robert?
Apakah dia masih hidup?
Apakah dia berubah menjadi salah satu dari mereka?
Aku masih tidak tahu akan keberadaannya...

Saksikan episode selanjutnya imaginations #7

Imaginations Special #1


Apa yang yang kulakukan?
Apa aku memanggil yang lainnya?
Yang penting harus bergerak!
[08.00 26 Maret 2017]
Pagi ini pagi yang cerah hampir sampai di PAM hanya berberapa kilometer lagi tidak akan lama. Itu hanya kabar bagusnya kabar buruknya kita semua dipisahkan oleh sang pencabut nyawa dengan portal kematiannya, tetapi untungnya kakakku ada disini hanya Robert yang terkena bukan hanya itu kabar buruknya. Robert membawa persenjataan kita satu-satunya!. Aku harus bisa melindungi keluargaku satu-satunya dengan pisau dapur yang aku temukan di restoran kota, tapi aku yakin bahwa Robert bisa melindungi dirinya sendiri.
[13.30 26 Maret 2017]
Hanya tinggal berberapa meter lagi.
... sial! Ada berberapa pencabut nyawa aku harus berbuat apa seperti nya mereka semua tau jika kita akan kesini bagaimana ini apakah aku harus melakukan invasi? Inilah seberapa besar dibutuhkannya orang optimis. Gempa lagi ada apa ini kenapa terjadi gempa sekarang? Ada yang tidak masuk akal berberapa hari yang lalu tidak terjadi apa-apa termasuk gempa. Apakah ini serangan kembali alam? Aku akan memeriksanya di tas, aku membawa sebuah alat pengukur gempa mini. Yang benar saja! Gempa kali ini berkekuatan 15,30 Skala Ritcher gila! Tak pernah kusangka ada gempa yang berkekuatan seperti ini. Gedung-gedung di sekitar sudah mulai runtuh. Aku harus bergerak sekarang! aku akan membuat catatan jika aku hidup.
Jika aku masih hidup...
Apakah Kevin Masih Hidup? Saksikan di Episode
“Imaginations Special#2”
Hari Kamis Minggu Depan

To Be Continued...

Imaginations (Vol.4)


Mark telah tiada...
Apa yang harus aku lakukan tanpanya?
Aku tau satu hal...
Aku punya dendam pada sang pencabut nyawa...
[07.00 25 Maret 2017]
Pemakaman mark aku harus menguburkannya sebelum tubuhnya membusuk, sebelum dia meninggalkan pesan untukku yaitu “tolong jaga keluarga ku dan hidupi mereka dengan baik juga ada rahasia keluarga di ruang bawah tanah rumahku, di perapian ada simbol keluarga ku ambilah sedikit saja dan sisanya berikan pada ayahku...dia yang...ber..we...nang untuk mem...baginya...” aku ingat terus apa yang dia pesankan padaku dan juga membalaskan dendamnya kepada sang penabaut nyawa.
[12.00 25 Maret 2017]
Sial! Jejak kita terlacak lagi kita sedang bersembunyi dalam perpustakaan tua di kota kakak dan Robert kusuruh bersembunyi di gedung putih yang berjarak 5m itu jarak maksimal yang dijangkau kakak untuk mengetahui keadaanku. Aku akan menyerangnya saat waktuunya tepat, sudah tak bisa berbicara sekarang.
[19.00 25 Maret 2017]
Semuanya tidur kecuali aku aku berhasil dengan sang pencabut nyawa hore! Akhirnya aku bisa sedikit tenang dengan keadaan ini. Saat itu adalah saat yang menegangkan aku menyerangnya dengan mantra pembunuh, saat aku menunggu saat yang tepat aku menemukan buku mantra kupikir aku bisa menyrangnya dengan mantra penyerang tapi tidak aku menemukan pembatas buku yang membatasi halaman “bagaimana membunuh sang pencabut nyawa” aku membacanya dan lansung menguasainya dengan cepat. Tanpa ragu aku menyerangnya sang pencabut nyawa sampai dia terlempar dan menabrak salah satu pilar perpustakaan, aku menyerangnya lagi kali ini dia menghindar aku mencarinya dengan melihat sekeliling ternyata dia di belakangku aku juga tak kalah gesit aku menghindar dan melontarkan sebuah serangan dan itu mengenainya dan tebaklah! Dia berubah menjadi darah hitam. Jadi dia penyebab dari rumah-rumah yang menjadi cair dan rubuh, untung aku sudah membunuh siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas kejadian ini.
[00.01 26 Maret 2017]
Aku mendengar sesuatu yang aneh aku sebaiknya memeriksanya tanpa membuat kakak dan Robert terbangun dari tidurnya aku akan meninggalkan catatan ini hidup...
Kita harus bergerak! Aku menemukan dua pencabut nyawa sedang menghisap burung-burung gagak dan juga burung-burung hantu, aku akan membangunkan kakak. Sudah sampai sini saja aku harus bergerak
Apa yang kulakukan?
Apa aku memanggil yang lainnya?
Yang penting harus bergerak!

To Be Continue...